Product reviews are a big part of Colin’s Beauty Pages and I intend to add reviews as I come across interesting products. I try to give a considered opinion of products and to give you information that you might otherwise come across, rather than straight forward user tests. As I am drawing on my experience in the development of cosmetic products I don’t always feel the need to actually use the products myself.
The selection of products is simply things that seem to me to be of interest. I don’t choose products for their sales figures or because they are being heavily promoted. I have a bias towards UK products and launches simply because that is where I live. I also have a few prejudices – like anyone else there are people and companies I like, and a few that I don’t. I try not to let them influence me too much but I am only human so be warned.
All opinions expressed are mine and mine alone.
Skin creams are the products in which I am most interested. In addition to individual products I have also reviewed the science behind effective anti-wrinkle products.
Nanoblur is a very good concealer, though it doesn’t work for everyone.
Aldi Creams – These low cost products have generated a lot of interest on the web. I was quite impressed.
Body Shop Coconut Body Butter Review
Waitrose Baby Bottom Butter – you know, the one some women have been putting on their faces
Waitrose Baby Bottom Butter Update
Boots No 7 Serum – as featured on Horizon. Probably the most popular article I have written.
John Masters Organic Zinc and Sage Shampoo Review
I am fascinated by the number of beauty devices that get launched. I will be looking out for more of these. I think improving the skin quickly with a machine is a really tough challenge and I although I try to approach these things with an open mind I will need a lot of convincing before I accept the claims made.
And not to forget a product that is in a category of its own: Bio-Oil
You might also find interesting what I think about supermarket own brand cosmetics.
I used the boots serum until i read an article about the anti wrinkle serum from aldi which i think is a better product. Any views on the aldi product?
I think they are both good products. It is just a question of picking which one is best for you.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on LUSH cosmetics.
Hi Colin
I can’t find a link on your home page to post a problem. How can I go about it please/
Hi Sam,
Sorry I have been fiddlling with the settings of my blog following a major problem I had a few weeks ago. I have reinstated the contact form on the problem page now.