Cosmetic Business

The Palm Tree – The Cosmetic Industry’s Base

Some things I write about seem quite important to me but somehow don’t really resonate with the people who read my blog. For example I wrote a post on palm oil which explained how the palm oil business works.  Nobody read it.  But I still think it matters so here we go again. Basically palm

The Palm Tree – The Cosmetic Industry’s Base Read More »

How Do Organic Accreditations Actually Work?

There are dozens of organic certification schemes. The way most of the big ones work is that they certify a particular supplier and also have a schedule of the actual products covered by that certification. So you’d have them come and certify your company and typically a certificate saying so. There would also be a

How Do Organic Accreditations Actually Work? Read More »

The Bare Minimum You Need To Do To Comply With The Cosmetic Regulations

There is a concept in the software business called the minimum viable product. This is the barebones of an application that does just enough to enable it to get onto the market so the concept can be tested. This is an interesting idea in the fast moving world of information technology where change is so

The Bare Minimum You Need To Do To Comply With The Cosmetic Regulations Read More »

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