One of the reasons given for eating organic food rather than conventional food is that it is richer in nutrients. This is possible. The way a plant is grown or the way an animal is kept is going to have an effect on how it turns out, and this could affect how valuable it is to you when you eat it.
This is an interesting issue and one that I might well return to in future blog posts. But this particular series is looking at whether or not you should use skincare made from organic ingredients. Is the question of nutrient levels significant when choosing your skincare products?
I don’t really need to answer that one. We don’t eat through our skin.
Hi Colin,
I have seen on many natural skin care sites that the skin obsorbs 60% of what is put on it and thats why we should not put ‘toxins’ on our skins. This might be a good reaason for having products with higher levels of nutrients?
I am a bit skeptical about this figure. If it is true then skin is not a very good barrier and I am really surprised we are, as a species, not extinct. Anyway, these sites sometimes quote the use of nicotine patches as evidence. This sounds a bit dodgy – I think nicotine patches probably use a chemical which helps absorption of nicotine in the skin.
After reading about this fact i did come to wonder if my penchant for shea butter (as my preferred emollient) has been the reason for me putting on a stone in weight in the last few years…or possibly to do with all the cream cakes and having 2 children? What do you think?
I just did a bit of research and found Dene Godfrey’s artical – skin is our largest organ parts 1 and 2. I knew there was something fishy going on with reference to 60% of what we put on our skin is absorbed- business.
Yes Dene does a good job there.
Thanks for bringing that up though. If I can think of something fresh to bring to the subject I might do a blog post of my own on that 60% figure that as you say gets quoted all over the place.
I can tell you through experience that you can tell the difference between a nicotine patch and a lotion: side effects. You are correct about the absorption enhancing chemicals used in nicotine, pain and birth control patches. It takes a lot to get past the skin barrier and into the blood stream. For me, it’s potato chips and chocolate and ice cream, etc, for the weight gain. I can’t even blame the one child anymore!
Colin, would organic ingredients contain more contaminants that everyone’s so worried about? A study was found saying that solvents (?) in water absorbed more than previously thought. If this is true, would people absorb more chemicals in the shower if the water contains skin penetrating enhancers or solvents? (No, I’m not really sure what I’m saying :))
Thanks Tina. I think the study to which you are referring must be the one that Dene discusses in his second post on the subject over on Personal Care Truth.
Dene does a pretty good job of debunking it there. But just to add, it isn’t really at all surprising that very polar solvents in low quantities would penetrate the skin in the way described in that paper. Basically those solvents are not compatible with water and will get out of it as quickly as they can if they come into contact with an environment they are more soluble in.