On the whole suggestions for home made products to cope with medical emergencies that you find on the internet are a really bad idea. But as it happens, this one that has been circulating on social media isn’t too far off the mark. Vodka is basically alcohol – so as long as it is a brand with a fairly high content you are getting alcohol that will have the capability of sterilising your skin. You’d want a good brand. Cheaper ones with lower alcohol content won’t work as well. I like the idea of the aloe vera. It will offset the drying effect of the alcohol to some extent. I don’t think I’d put so much in though. It is diluting the alcohol from the vodka and reducing its effectiveness. The tea tree is a pretty good option too. It has well established antibacterial properties and will stay around to give some protection against further infection after the alcohol has evapourated.
I read you can use witch hazel in place of the alcohol, also vitamin e oil to stop the drying effects on skin ?
Not sure if that would be as effective as the alcohol.
Witch Hazel won’t have anything like the potency of alcohol to quickly clean the skin. I think it is useful as a way of making the skin a bit less vulnerable, so it helps a bit. But it is light fence, not a protective wall.
If we want it to be effective and actually protect us, then alcohol can definitely not be avoided.
I’ve been using Eau de Cologne as hand sanitizer, on the advice of a friend who is a perfumer. It’s also available very cheaply, along with little 20ml plastic spray bottles to keep in your pocket. I’ve bought a 750ml bottle of generic Spanish eau de cologne for £5 via Amazon. (Other vendors are available, obviously)
Hi i really like this post how to make Home Made Hand Sanitisers
its very easy to make and apply on hands its very simple ingredition easly made in home